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Title: All The King's Men - 2006 - Electronic Press Kit On CD
Year: 2006
Type: Press Kit
Condition: Near Mint
Size: 5.25 x 7.50
Description: "TIME BRINGS ALL THINGS TO LIGHT." This is an original ELECTRONIC CD press kit from the 2006 political thriller film - "ALL THE KING'S MEN" - starring SEAN PENN, JUDE LAW and KATE WINSLET. This press kit contains a CD Rom and a booklet. The CD Rom contains production notes, the trailer from the film, key art, logos as well as 21 downloadable color photos from the film. The booklet is 64 pages and contains production notes, a story synopsis, biographies on the stars and complete cast and credit information. The press kit is in near mint condition and has been stored in a dry, smoke free home. I have blown up some of the photos that are on the CD disk so you have an idea what it looks like. Nice item for SEAN PENN, JUDE LAW and KATE WINSLET. Reminder: this is a media press kit and NOT the CD of the film.
Only 3 in stock!


Title: Thor: Ragnarok - 2017 - Final Style
Year: 2022
Type: Poster
Condition: Near Mint
Size: 1-Sheet (27 x 40)
Description: "THUNDER WILL REIGN." This poster is the US Final Style. It is rolled and in near mint condition. It is an original studio issued 1-Sheet that measures approx. 27 x 40 inches in size. It is 2-sided, unused and has been stored in a dry, smoke-free home. Great item for "THOR" fans and collectors!
Only 1 in stock!


Title: Alexander - 2004 - British Quad
Year: 2004
Type: Poster
Condition: Near Mint
Size: British Quad (40 x 30)
Description: "FORTUNE FAVORS THE BOLD." This is an original British Quad poster and it measures approx. 40 x 30 inches in size. The poster is rolled and in near mint condition. It is 2-sided and has been stored in a dry, smoke-free home. THIS IS NOT A CHEAP REPRINT BUT A BEAUTIFUL ORIGINAL THEATRICAL RELEASE MOVIE POSTER. Great item for COLIN FARRELL and/or ANGELINA JOLIE fans and collectors!
Only 1 in stock!


Title: Alexander - 2004 - Advance Style Of Colin Farrell
Year: 2004
Type: Poster
Condition: Near Mint
Size: 1-Sheet (27 x 40)
Description: ".THE GREATEST LEGEND OF ALL WAS REAL." This poster is the US Advance Style of COLIN FARRELL. It is an original 1-Sheet that measures approx. 27 x 40. It is rolled, 2-SIDED and in near mint condition. It is unused and has been stored in a dry, smoke-free home. THIS IS NOT A CHEAP REPRINT BUT A BEAUTIFUL ORIGINAL THEATRICAL RELEASE MOVIE POSTER. Great item for COLIN FARRELL fans and collectors!
Only 1 in stock!


Title: Alexander - 2004 - Final Style
Year: 2004
Type: Poster
Condition: Near Mint
Size: 1-Sheet (27 x 40)
Description: "FORTUNE FAVORS THE BOLD." This poster is the US Final Style and has the credits on the poster. It is an original 1-Sheet that measures approx. 27 x 40. It is rolled, 2-SIDED and in near mint condition. It is unused and has been stored in a dry, smoke-free home. THIS IS NOT A CHEAP REPRINT BUT A BEAUTIFUL ORIGINAL THEATRICAL RELEASE MOVIE POSTER. Great item for COLIN FARRELL and/or ANGELINA JOLIE fans and collectors!
Only 1 in stock!


Title: Freejack - 1991 - Foil Poster
Year: 1991
Type: Poster
Condition: Near Mint
Size: 24.5 x 38
Description: "ALEX FURLONG DIED TODAY. EIGHTEEEN YEARS FROM NOW HE'LL BE RUNNING FOR HIS LIFE." This is the Regular Style poster. It is an original poster that measures 24 1/2 x 38 inches, but it has not been trimmed. The poster is rolled and in near mint condition. Please note that portions of this item are printed on a foil material and is very difficult to accurately photograph but is quite striking when viewed in person! Also note that foil material scuffs quite easily and is difficult to find one in nice condition like this. It is 1-sided and has been stored in a dry, smoke-free home. Great item for MICK JAGGER fans and collectors!
Only 1 in stock!


Title: Edge - 1997
Year: 1997
Type: Poster
Condition: Near Mint
Size: 1-Sheet (27 x 40)
Description: "THEY WERE FIGHTING OVER A WOMAN UNTIL THE PLANE WENT DOWN. NOW, THEIR ONLY CHANCE FOR SURVIVAL IS EACH OTHER." This is an original US 1-Sheet Movie Poster. This is the Final Style. It is rolled, 2-sided and it measures approx. 27 x 40 inches in size. It is in NM condition. The poster has been stored in a dry, smoke-free home. Great item for ALEC BALDWIN and/or ANTHONY HOPKINS fans and collectors!
Only 1 in stock!


Title: Silence Of The Lambs - 1991 - 1 Photo
Year: 1991
Type: Photos / Stills
Condition: Near Mint
Size: 8 x 10
Description: "CLARICE STARLING, F.B.I. BRILLIANT. VULNERABLE. ALONE. SHE MUST TRUST HIM TO STOP THE KILLER. DR. HANNIBAL LECTER. BRILLIANT. CUNNING. PSYCHOTIC. IN HIS MIND LIES THE CLUE TO A RUTHLESS KILLER." Here is 1 original 8x10 glossy photo from the 1991 AA Best Picture film - "SILENCE OF THE LAMBS" - starring Jody Foster, Anthony Hopkins and Scott Glenn. This still is in NM condition. It has been stored in a dry, smoke-free home and has never been used. Great item for "SILENCE OF THE LAMBS" and/or ANTHONY HOPKINS fans!
Only 1 in stock!


Title: Silence Of The Lambs - 1991 - 2 Photos
Year: 1991
Type: Photos / Stills
Condition: Near Mint
Size: 8 x 10
Description: "CLARICE STARLING, F.B.I. BRILLIANT. VULNERABLE. ALONE. SHE MUST TRUST HIM TO STOP THE KILLER. DR. HANNIBAL LECTER. BRILLIANT. CUNNING. PSYCHOTIC. IN HIS MIND LIES THE CLUE TO A RUTHLESS KILLER." Here are 2 original 8x10 glossy photos from the 1991 AA Best Picture film - "SILENCE OF THE LAMBS" - starring Jody Foster, Anthony Hopkins and Scott Glenn. These 2 stills are in NM condition. They have been stored in a dry, smoke-free home and have never been used. Great item for "SILENCE OF THE LAMBS" and/or Academy Award Best Picture collectors!
Only 1 in stock!


Title: Road To Wellville - 1994 - Press Kit
Year: 1994
Type: Press Kit
Condition: Near Mint
Size: 9 x 12
Description: "A COMEDY OF THE HEART AND OTHER ORGANS." This is an original studio issued press kit from 1994. The press kit contains the following: a "ROAD TO WELLVILLE" cover folder . . . a 40-page booklet of production notes, cast and credit information and a bunch of photos . . . 7 (seven) 8x10 GLOSSY PHOTOS. The press kit is unused and in near mint condition. It has been stored in a dry, smoke-free home. Great item for MATTHEW BRODERICK, BRIDGET FONDA and ANTHONY HOPKINS fans and collectors! (Please note: the horizontal picture of the town is in the production notes booklet and is NOT a glossy photo.)
Only 1 in stock!


Title: Thor: The Dark World - 2013 - Regular Style B
Year: 2013
Type: Poster
Condition: Near Mint
Size: 1-Sheet (27 x 40)
Description: "THERE WAS DARKNESS." This poster is the US Regular Style "B". It is rolled and in near mint to mint condition. Really nice shape!! It is an original studio issued 1-Sheet that measures approx. 27 x 40 inches in size. It is 2-sided, unused and has been stored in a dry, smoke-free home. Great item for "THOR" fans and collectors!
Only 1 in stock!


Title: Thor: Love And Thunder - 2022 - Final Style
Year: 2022
Type: Poster
Condition: Near Mint
Size: 1-Sheet (27 x 40)
Description: "NOT EVERY GOD HAS A PLAN." This poster is the US Final Style. It is rolled and in near mint condition. It is an original studio issued 1-Sheet that measures approx. 27 x 40 inches in size. It is 2-sided, unused and has been stored in a dry, smoke-free home. Great item for "THOR" fans and collectors!
Only 1 in stock!


Title: Thor: Love And Thunder - 2022 - Advance Style B
Year: 2022
Type: Poster
Condition: Near Mint
Size: 1-Sheet (27 x 40)
Description: "THE ONE IS NOT THE ONLY." This poster is the US Advance Style "B". It is rolled and in near mint condition. It is an original studio issued 1-Sheet that measures approx. 27 x 40 inches in size. It is 2-sided, unused and has been stored in a dry, smoke-free home. Great item for "THOR" fans and collectors!
Only 2 in stock!


Title: Thor: Love And Thunder - 2022 - Advance Style A
Year: 2022
Type: Poster
Condition: Near Mint
Size: 1-Sheet (27 x 40)
Description: "THE ONE AND ONLY." This poster is the US Advance Style "A". It is rolled and in near mint condition. It is an original studio issued 1-Sheet that measures approx. 27 x 40 inches in size. It is 2-sided, unused and has been stored in a dry, smoke-free home. Great item for "THOR" fans and collectors!
Only 1 in stock!


Title: Mask Of Zorro - 1998 - 6 Photos
Year: 1998
Type: Photos / Stills
Condition: Near Mint
Size: 8 x 10
Description: "NO ONE HAS SEEN HIS FACE . . . BUT EVERYONE . . KNOWS THIS MARK." Here are 6 original 8x10 glossy photos from the 1998 swashbuckling action hit - "MASK OF ZORRO," HERCULES". These 6 stills are in NM condition. They have been stored in a dry, smoke-free home. Great item for "ZORRO" fans and collectors!
Only 1 in stock!


Title: Hannibal - 2001 - Mini Mylar
Year: 2001
Type: Mylar
Condition: Near Mint
Size: 2.50 x 11.50
Description: "BREAK THE SILENCE." "Hannibal" is the third film in the "Hannibal Lecter" series. "Manhunter" (1986) was the first. "Silence of the Lambs" (1991) was second. "Hannibal" (2001) was next followed by "Red Dragon" (2002) and finally "Hannibal Rising" in 2007. This is an original US Mini Mylar. Box Office Movie Mylars are used in multi-plex theaters to direct patrons to the particular screen they will see their movie in. They are usually in backlit boxes in the box office or over the actual auditorium the movie is playing in. They can also been seen on directionals pointing you to our movie. They are very colorful and are somewhat of a new collectible that is gaining in popularity with the dawn of home theaters. They come primarily in two sizes: Regular size of 25 x 5 or mini size of 11.5 x 2.5. This one is a MINI mylar. It has been stored flat and is in near mint to mint condition. It is 2-sided, unused and has been stored in a dry, smoke-free home.
Only 2 in stock!


Title: Legends Of The Fall - Lobby Card Set - 8 Cards
Year: 1994
Type: Lobby Card
Condition: Near Mint
Size: 11 x 14
Description: "AFTER THE FALL FROM INNOCENCE, THE LEGEND BEGINS." This is an original U.S. lobby card set. The set consists of 8 US Lobby Cards that measure 11 x 14 inches in size. They are on cardboard-like stock and are in near mint to mint condition. THEY HAVE NEVER BEEN USED and HARD TO FIND. They have been stored in a dry, smoke-free home. Nice item for BRAD PITT fans.
Only 1 in stock!


Title: Academy Awards Poster - 81st Annual - 2009
Year: 2009
Type: Poster
Condition: Near Mint
Size: 1-Sheet (27 x 40)
Description: "81ST ANNUAL ACADEMY AWARDS POSTER - 2009" This is an original 1-sheet poster the Academy of Motion Picture Arts designed to publicize their annual awards television show. The 2009 show was hosted by HUGH JACKMAN and was held on Feb. 22nd at the Kodak Theatre in Hollywood, California. This poster is 1-sided and measures approx. 27 x 40 inches and is in NM condition. Winners that year included: "SLUMDOG MILLIONAIRE" for Best Picture, Sean Penn for Best Actor, Kate Winslet for Best Actress, Heath Ledger for Best Supporting Actor, Penélope Cruz for Best Supporting Actress, and Danny Boyle for Best Director.
Only 1 in stock!


Title: Mission Impossible 2 - Regular Style B
Year: 2000
Type: Poster
Condition: Near Mint
Size: 1-Sheet (27 x 40)
Description: "EXPECT THE IMPOSSIBLE AGAIN." This is the US Regular Style "B" poster. This is different than the Style "A" poster as this one has a specific date on the poster (May 24) and has the ratings box. It is an original 1-Sheet and it measures approx. 27 x 40 inches in size. The poster is rolled and in near mint condition. It is 2-Sided and has been stored in a dry, smoke-free home. Great, affordable item for TOM CRUISE fans and collectors!
Only 3 in stock!


Title: Actor - Tom Cruise - 1 Photo - From "Mission Impossible 2" - Still H
Year: 2000
Type: Photos / Stills
Condition: Near Mint
Size: 8 x 10
Description: "EXPECT THE IMPOSSIBLE AGAIN." This is a great original 8 x 10 glossy photo of TOM CRUISE from the 2000 film - "MISSION IMPOSSIBLE II." This is a shot of TOM CRUISE in a dark outfit. This particular still is in near mint to mint condition. It has been stored in a dry, smoke-free home. This is not a reprint or reproduction. It is an original piece of studio issued movie memorabilia. Nice item for TOM CRUISE fans and collectors!!
Only 2 in stock!


Title: Actor - Tom Cruise - 1 Photo - From "Mission Impossible 2" - Still G
Year: 2000
Type: Photos / Stills
Condition: Near Mint
Size: 8 x 10
Description: "EXPECT THE IMPOSSIBLE AGAIN." This is a great original 8 x 10 glossy photo of TOM CRUISE from the 2000 film - "MISSION IMPOSSIBLE II." This is a nice shot of TOM CRUISE with his arms crossed. This particular still is in near mint to mint condition. It has been stored in a dry, smoke-free home. This is not a reprint or reproduction. It is an original piece of studio issued movie memorabilia. Nice item for TOM CRUISE fans and collectors!!
Only 1 in stock!


Title: Actor - Tom Cruise - 1 Photo - From "Mission Impossible 2" - Still F
Year: 2000
Type: Photos / Stills
Condition: Near Mint
Size: 8 x 10
Description: "EXPECT THE IMPOSSIBLE AGAIN." This is a great original 8 x 10 glossy photo of TOM CRUISE from the 2000 film - "MISSION IMPOSSIBLE II." This is a great shot of TOM CRUISE hanging onto a rock ledge. This particular still is in near mint to mint condition. It has been stored in a dry, smoke-free home. This is not a reprint or reproduction. It is an original piece of studio issued movie memorabilia. Nice item for TOM CRUISE fans and collectors!!
Only 1 in stock!


Title: Actor - Tom Cruise - 1 Photo - From "Mission Impossible 2" - Still E
Year: 2000
Type: Photos / Stills
Condition: Near Mint
Size: 8 x 10
Description: "EXPECT THE IMPOSSIBLE AGAIN." This is a great original 8 x 10 glossy photo of TOM CRUISE from the 2000 film - "MISSION IMPOSSIBLE II." This is a nice shot of TOM CRUISE walking on the beach. This particular still is in near mint to mint condition. It has been stored in a dry, smoke-free home. This is not a reprint or reproduction. It is an original piece of studio issued movie memorabilia. Nice item for TOM CRUISE fans and collectors!!
Only 1 in stock!


Title: Actor - Tom Cruise - 1 Photo - From "Mission Impossible 2" - Still D
Year: 2000
Type: Photos / Stills
Condition: Near Mint
Size: 8 x 10
Description: "EXPECT THE IMPOSSIBLE AGAIN." This is a nice original 8 x 10 glossy photo of TOM CRUISE from the 2000 film - "MISSION IMPOSSIBLE II." This is a head on shot of TOM CRUISE on his motorcycle. This particular still is in near mint to mint condition. It has been stored in a dry, smoke-free home. This is not a reprint or reproduction. It is an original piece of studio issued movie memorabilia. Nice item for TOM CRUISE fans and collectors!!
Only 1 in stock!


Title: Actor - Tom Cruise - 1 Photo - From "Mission Impossible 2" - Still C
Year: 2000
Type: Photos / Stills
Condition: Near Mint
Size: 8 x 10
Description: "EXPECT THE IMPOSSIBLE AGAIN." This is a great original 8 x 10 glossy photo of TOM CRUISE from the 2000 film - "MISSION IMPOSSIBLE II." This is a great close up shot of TOM CRUISE on his motorcycle. This particular still is in near mint to mint condition. It has been stored in a dry, smoke-free home. This is not a reprint or reproduction. It is an original piece of studio issued movie memorabilia. Nice item for TOM CRUISE fans and collectors!!
Only 2 in stock!


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