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Character: 'Kurt'
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Title: Longlegs - 2024 - Advance Style B
Year: 2024
Type: Poster
Condition: Very Good
Size: 1-Sheet (27 x 40)
Description: "THE BEST SERIAL KILLER FILM SINCE "THE SILENCE OF THE LAMBS." This poster is the US Advance Style "B". It is an original 1-Sheet that measures approx. 27 x 40 inches in size. It is rolled and in VG condition. There are some border dings on the right side of the poster. If framed, they would never be seen. Unframed, they aren't that noticeable. I have priced the poster accordingly. It is 2-sided and has been stored in a dry, smoke-free home. NOT A CHEAP REPRINT BUT A BEAUTIFUL ORIGINAL THEATRICAL RELEASE POSTER. Nice item for MAIKA MONROE and/or NICOLAS CAGE fans!
Only 1 in stock!


Title: Sopranos - 2001 - Counseling
Year: 2001
Type: Poster
Condition: Near Mint
Size: 34.5 x 22.5
Description: "AMERICA'S MOST WATCHED FAMILY." This poster is from Season 3. It is a licensed commercial poster intended to be sold directly to the public. It is rolled and in near mint condition. It measures 34.5 x 22.5 inches in size. It is 1-sided, unused and has been stored in a dry, smoke-free home. PLEASE NOTE: THIS POSTER IS A HIGH QUALITY COMMERCIAL POSTER THAT WAS DESIGNED AND DISTRIBUTED BY SCORPIO POSTERS. Great item for "SOPRANOS" fans and collectors.
Only 2 in stock!


Title: Welcome To Marwen - 2018 - Advance Style B
Year: 2018
Type: Poster
Condition: Near Mint
Size: 1-Sheet (27 x 40)
Description: "YOU CAN'T PUT THIS HERO IN A BOX." This is the US Advance Style "B" poster. It is an original 1-Sheet and it measures approx. 27 x 40 inches in size. The poster is rolled and in near mint condition. It is DOUBLE-SIDED, never been used and has been stored in a dry, smoke-free home. Great item for STEVE CARELL fans and collectors!
Only 2 in stock!


Title: Welcome To Marwen - 2018 - Advance Style A
Year: 2018
Type: Poster
Condition: Near Mint
Size: 1-Sheet (27 x 40)
Description: "THE DIRECTOR OF "FORREST GUMP" INVITES YOU TO A MOST UNEXPECTED PLACE." This is the US Advance Style "A" poster. It is an original 1-Sheet and it measures approx. 27 x 40 inches in size. The poster is rolled and in near mint condition. It is DOUBLE-SIDED, never been used and has been stored in a dry, smoke-free home. Great item for STEVE CARELL fans and collectors!
Only 3 in stock!


Title: Return, The - 2006
Year: 2006
Type: Poster
Condition: Near Mint
Size: 1-Sheet (27 x 40)
Description: "THE PAST NEVER DIES. IT KILLS." This is the US Final Style. It is an original 1-Sheet and it measures approx. 27 x 40 inches in size. The poster is rolled and in near mint condition. It is 2-sided and has been stored in a dry, smoke-free home. Great item for SARAH MICHELLE GELLAR fans and collectors!
Only 2 in stock!


Title: Blair Witch 2: Book Of Shadows - 2000 - Mini Mylar
Year: 2000
Type: Mylar
Condition: Near Mint
Size: 2.50 x 11.50
Description: "EVIL DOESN'T DIE." This is an original US Mini Mylar. Box Office Movie Mylars are used in multi-plex theaters to direct patrons to the particular screen they will see their movie in. They are usually in backlit boxes in the box office or over the actual auditorium the movie is playing in. They can also be seen on directionals pointing you to your movie. They are very colorful and are somewhat of a new collectible that is gaining in popularity with the dawn of home theaters. They come primarily in two sizes: Regular size of 25 x 5 or mini size of 11.5 x 2.5. This one is a MINI mylar. It has been stored flat and is in near mint to mint condition. It is 2-sided, unused and has been stored in a dry, smoke-free home. Great item for "BLAIR WITCH" fans and collectors!
Only 1 in stock!


Title: Big George Foreman - 2023 - Mini Poster
Year: 2023
Type: Poster
Condition: Near Mint
Size: Mini Poster
Description: "THE MIRACULOUS STORY OF THE ONCE AND FUTURE HEAVYWIGHT CHAMPION OF THE WORLD." This poster is a US Mini Poster. It is an original 1-sheet that measures approx. 11 x 17 inches in size. It is rolled, 1-sided and in near mint to mint condition. It has been stored in a dry, smoke free home and it has never been used. Great item for GEORGE FOREMAN and/or BOXING fans and collectors!!
Only 3 in stock!


Title: Big Mommas Like Father Like Son - 2011
Year: 2011
Type: Poster
Condition: Very Good
Size: 1-Sheet (27 x 40)
Description: "MOMMA'S GOT BACK UP." This is the US Final Style. It is an original 1-Sheet and it measures approx. 27 x 40 inches in size. The poster is rolled and in VG to near mint condition. There are 2 very minor border tears that have been repaired with paper tape on the reverse side. It is 2-sided and has been stored in a dry, smoke-free home. Nice poster for "BIG MOMMA" fans and collectors! *** - (Please note: on the attached image, the dark colors in each corner are magnets used to take the picture and are not blemishes on the poster. The image used is the exact poster that you are buying).
Only 1 in stock!


Title: Roman Holiday - 1953 - Commercial Poster
Year: 1953
Type: Poster
Condition: Near Mint
Size: 26.25 x 39.5
Description: "THERE'S A NEW HOLIDAY ON YOUR CALENDAR!" This is a commercial poster from the classic 1953 comedy romance film - "ROMAN HOLIDAY" - starring GREGORY PECK and AUDREY HEPBURN. This poster was designed to be reproduced for distribution to the public, most likely in the 1980's but there is no date to indicate when it was actually reproduced. This poster is a commercial reprint of the US 1-Sheet and it measures 26.25 x 39.5 inches in size. It is rolled and in near mint condition. It is 1-sided and has been stored in a dry, smoke-free home. Beautiful item for GREGORY PECK and AUDREY HEPBURN fans and collectors!
Only 1 in stock!


Title: 3rd Man - 1999 - 50th Anniversary Poster
Year: 1999
Type: Poster
Condition: Near Mint
Size: 1-Sheet (27 x 40)
Description: "RESTORED FOR ITS 50TH ANNIVERSARY!" This is the US Regular Style poster from the 1999 re-release. This poster is from the special 50th Anniversary release of the film. It is an original 1-Sheet and it measures approx. 27 x 39 inches in size. The poster is ROLLED and in NM condition. It is 1-sided and has been stored in a dry, smoke-free home. Great item for "3RD MAN" and/or ORSON WELLES fans and collectors!
Only 1 in stock!


Title: X-Men 2 - 2003 - Large Mylar
Year: 2003
Type: Mylar
Condition: Near Mint
Size: 5 X 25
Description: "THE TIME HAS COME FOR THOSE WHO ARE DIFFERENT TO STAND UNITED." This is an original US regular size Mylar. Box Office Movie Mylars are used in multi-plex theaters to direct patrons to the particular screen they will see their movie in. They are usually in backlit boxes in the box office or over the actual auditorium the movie is playing in. They can also be seen on directionals pointing you to our movie. They are very colorful and are somewhat of a new collectible that is gaining in popularity with the dawn of home theaters. They come primarily in two sizes: Regular size of 25 x 5 or mini size of 11.5 x 2.5. This one is a REGULAR mylar. It has been stored flat and is in near mint condition. It is 2-sided and has been stored in a dry, smoke-free home. Great item for "X-MEN" fans and collectors!!
Only 4 in stock!


Title: Blair Witch 2: Book Of Shadows - 2000 - Large Mylar
Year: 2000
Type: Mylar
Condition: Near Mint
Size: 5 X 25
Description: "EVIL DOESN'T DIE." This is an original US regular size Mylar. Box Office Movie Mylars are used in multi-plex theaters to direct patrons to the particular screen they will see their movie in. They are usually in backlit boxes in the box office or over the actual auditorium the movie is playing in. They can also be seen on directionals pointing you to our movie. They are very colorful and are somewhat of a new collectible that is gaining in popularity with the dawn of home theaters. They come primarily in two sizes: Regular size of 25 x 5 or mini size of 11.5 x 2.5. This one is a REGULAR mylar. It has been stored flat and is in near mint condition. It is 2-sided and has been stored in a dry, smoke-free home. Great item for "BLAIR WITCH" fans and collectors!
Only 3 in stock!


Title: X-Files - 1998 - Advance A - Green
Year: 1998
Type: Poster
Condition: Very Good
Size: 1-Sheet (27 x 40)
Description: "FIGHT." This poster is the US ADVANCE STYLE "A" poster - which is also known as the "FIGHT" poster or the "GREEN" poster. When Fox designed the posters for this film, they created three teaser posters as well as a final poster. The first poster was the green "FIGHT" poster. Then they released the blue "FUTURE" poster. Finally, the third teaser poster was a reddish-orange poster that said "FIGHT THE FUTURE". Again, this poster is for the ADVANCE STYLE "A" poster that says "FIGHT." It is an original 1-sheet that measures approx. 27 x 40 inches in size. It is 2-sided, rolled and in VG condition. There are some minor dings here and there and a scratch or two. WOuld probably give this a 7 out of 10. I have discounted the price a little due to the less than mint condition. The poster has been stored in a dry, smoke-free home. As mentioned, this is an ORIGINAL STUDIO ISSUED MOVIE POSTER!
Only 1 in stock!


Title: Megan - 2023 - Final Style
Year: 2023
Type: Poster
Condition: Near Mint
Size: 1-Sheet (27 x 40)
Description: "SHE'S MORE THAN A TOY. SHE'S FAMILY." This is the US Final Style poster. It is an original 1-Sheet and it measures approx. 27 x 40 inches in size. The poster is rolled and in Near Mint condition. It is DOUBLE-SIDED and has been stored in a dry, smoke-free home. It has never been used. Nice poster for HORROR fans!
Only 1 in stock!


Title: Accused - 1988 - Press Kit
Year: 1988
Type: Press Kit
Condition: Near Mint
Size: 9 x 12
Description: "THE FIRST SCREAM WAS FOR HELP. THE SECOND IS FOR JUSTICE." This is an original 1988 press kit. It comes with the following: a cover folder . . . a 28 pages booklet of Production Notes . . . 9 (nine) glossy 8 x 10 black and white stills . . . 1 color slide. The Press Kit is in NM condition. Great collectible for JODIE FOSTER, who won an Academy Award for Best Actress in this film.
Only 1 in stock!


Title: Megan - 2023 - Advance Style A
Year: 2023
Type: Poster
Condition: Near Mint
Size: 1-Sheet (27 x 40)
Description: "FRIENDSHIP HAS EVOLVED." This is the US Advance Style "A" poster. It is an original 1-Sheet and it measures approx. 27 x 40 inches in size. The poster is rolled and in Near Mint condition. It is DOUBLE-SIDED and has been stored in a dry, smoke-free home. It has never been used. Nice poster for HORROR fans!
Only 4 in stock!


Title: Apt Pupil - 1998 - Press Kit
Year: 1998
Type: Press Kit
Condition: Near Mint
Size: 9 x 12
Description: "IF YOU DON'T BELIEVE IN THE EXISTENCE OF EVIL YOU HAVE A LOT TO LEARN." This is an original studio issued press kit from 1998. The press kit contains the following: an "APT PUPIL" COVER FOLDER . . . 16 pages of PRODUCTION NOTES . . . 10 pages of CAST & CREDIT information . . . 8 (eight) 8x10 GLOSSY PHOTOS. The press kit is unused and in near mint condition. It has been stored in a dry, smoke-free home. Great item for BRAD RENFRO fans and collectors!
Only 1 in stock!


Title: Sudden Death - 1995 - Press Kit
Year: 1995
Type: Press Kit
Condition: Near Mint
Size: 9 x 12
Description: "TERROR GOES INTO OVERTIME." This is an original studio issued press kit from 1995. The press kit is in overall in near mint condition. The press kit includes the following: a COVER FOLDER in VG to NM condition. . . a 16-page booklet of complete cast and credit information . . . 6 (six) 8x10 GLOSSY PHOTOS. Nice item for JEAN-CLAUDE VAN DAMME fans and collectors!
Only 1 in stock!


Title: Die Hard 3: Die Hard With A Vengeance - Style B - 1995
Year: 1995
Type: Poster
Condition: Near Mint
Size: 1-Sheet (27 x 40)
Description: "THINK FAST. LOOK ALIVE. DIE HARD." This is the US Regular Style "B" poster. It is an original 1-Sheet and it measures approx. 27 x 40 inches in size. The poster is rolled and in near mint condition. It is 1-sided and has been stored in a dry, smoke-free home. Great item for "DIE HARD" fans and collectors!
Only 1 in stock!


Title: X-Men 2 - 2003 - Regular Style C
Year: 2003
Type: Poster
Condition: Near Mint
Size: 1-Sheet (27 x 40)
Description: "THE TIME HAS COME FOR THOSE WHO ARE DIFFERENT TO STAND UNITED." This poster is the US Final Style "C". It is an original 1-Sheet and it measures approx. 27 x 40 inches in size. The poster is rolled and in near mint condition. It is 2-Sided and has been stored in a dry, smoke-free home. Great item for "X-MEN" fans and collectors!!
Only 1 in stock!


Title: X-Men 2 - 2003 - Regular Style B
Year: 2003
Type: Poster
Condition: Near Mint
Size: 1-Sheet (27 x 40)
Description: "THE TIME HAS COME FOR THOSE WHO ARE DIFFERENT TO STAND UNITED." This poster is the US Final Style "B". It is an original 1-Sheet and it measures approx. 27 x 40 inches in size. The poster is rolled and in near mint condition. It is 2-Sided and has been stored in a dry, smoke-free home. Great item for "X-MEN" fans and collectors!!
Only 1 in stock!


Title: Sudden Death - 1995
Year: 1995
Type: Poster
Condition: Near Mint
Size: 1-Sheet (27 x 40)
Description: "TERROR GOES INTO OVERTIME." This is the US Regular Style poster. It is an original 1-Sheet and it measures approx. 27 x 40 inches in size. The poster is rolled and in near mint condition. One small border ding near the top left from shipping but the poster has never been hung or used. Other than that, it's fantastic. It is 1-sided and has been stored in a dry, smoke-free home. Great item for JEAN-CLAUDE VAN DAMME fans and collectors!
Only 1 in stock!


Title: Mr. Deeds - 2001 - Press Kit
Year: 2001
Type: Press Kit
Condition: Near Mint
Size: 9 x 12
Description: "DON'T LET THE FANCY CLOTHES FOOL YOU." This is an original studio issued press kit from 2001. The press kit is in near mint condition. The press kit contains the following: a COVER FOLDER . . . 12 pages of complete CAST AND CREDIT information . . . 22 pages of PRODUCTION NOTES and mini biographies of the stars. . . an interactive CD that contains 17 photos from the film, production notes, an image of the poster and the movie trailer . . . 2 color slides which I have enlarged. Nice item for ADAM SANDLER and/or WINONA RYDER fans!
Only 1 in stock!


Title: X-Files - 1998 - Advance C - Red
Year: 1998
Type: Poster
Condition: Very Good
Size: 1-Sheet (27 x 40)
Description: "FIGHT THE FUTURE." This poster is the US ADVANCE STYLE "C" poster - which is also known as the "FIGHT THE FUTURE" poster or the "RED" poster. When Fox designed the posters for this film, they created three teaser posters as well as a final poster. The first poster was the green "FIGHT" poster. Then they released the blue "FUTURE" poster. Finally, the third teaser poster was a reddish-orange poster that said "FIGHT THE FUTURE". Again, this poster is for the ADVANCE STYLE "C" poster that says "FIGHT THE FUTURE." It is an original 1-sheet that measures approx. 27 x 40 inches in size. It is 2-sided, rolled and in VG to near mint condition. One border tear that was repaired on the reverse side with pape tape - but still very nice. The poster has been stored in a dry, smoke-free home. As mentioned, this is an ORIGINAL STUDIO ISSUED MOVIE POSTER!
Only 1 in stock!


Title: American Underdog - 2021 - International Style
Year: 2021
Type: Poster
Condition: Near Mint
Size: 1-Sheet (27 x 40)
Description: "NO ONE WINS ALONE." This is the International Style poster. An International poster is designed in the US and distributed around the world to English speaking countries. There is no ratings box at the bottom. It is an original 1-Sheet that measures approx. 27 x 40 inches in size. It is rolled and in near mint to mint condition. It is 1-sided, unused and has been stored in a dry, smoke-free home. Great poster for KURT WARNER or LA RAMS or NFL fans!
Only 1 in stock!


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