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Title: Thing From Another World - Benton Window Card
Year: 1990
Type: Poster
Condition: Near Mint
Size: 14 x 22
Description: "NOTHING IN THE WORLD CAN MATCH ITS MENACE." This poster is a REPRODUCTION that was made by the Benton Card Company. At some time in the 1990s, the owners of the Benton Card Company made reproductions of some classic titles, usually from the 50's and 60's. They put a number in the bottom border with a capital "R" after it, which indicates that it is a REPRODUCTION (and this card is one of those reproductions!). Although they are reproductions, Benton Windo Cards are still sought after by collectors because the artwork is usually fantastic and they are also typically in great conditon and a fraction of what an original would cost. This poster measures 14 x 22. It is rolled and in near mint condition.
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Title: Thing From Another World - R1957
Year: 1957
Type: Poster
Condition: Near Mint
Size: 1 Sheet (27 x 41)
Description: "IT CREEPS. IT CRAWLS. IT STRIKES WITHOUT WARNING." This is the original movie poster from the 1957 re-release from "THE THING FROM ANOTHER WORLD". The original first release of movie was in 1951. It was then re-released by RKO in 1957 and the studio created an entirely new publicity campaign. The poster in 1951 was much different than this 1957 re-release. This R-1957 re-release is not a reprint nor a reproduction. It is an original 1-sheet from 1957 and it is folded and in near mint condition. There is no separation at the cross folds. The only flaws are a little edge bumping in the lower left and a couple indentations here and there. I have enclosed close up photos from some of those areas. This is a GREAT item for 50's SCI-FI collectors and fans of RKO Pictures. One interesting side note: the very popular movie "THE THING" from 1982 was a remake of this 1951 classic sci-fi film.
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