Product Types --> Glossy Stills
Glossy Stills
Glossy stills are 8" x 10" photographs, normally black & white. They represent the film's stars and/or crew either from scenes in the movie or on the movie set during the production of the film. They are normally included as part of a press kit.
There is usually some type of descriptive information included on the still that explains who is in the photo and what the photo represents. Sometimes the studios will type the description on a separate sheet of paper and staple it to the back side of the still.
The use of glossy stills as a promotional tool dates to the earliest films. Long before posters, stills were extensively used by the earliest theaters as a form of advertising.
Glossy stills are normally included in a press kit, and press kits are very sought-after by collectors. Even on their own, stills offer an inexpensive alternative to collecting larger sizes of movie art.
Here is an example of a glossy still: