Product Types --> Press Kits
Press Kits
The term "press kit" is a generic term which has come to mean a specific group of materials distributed to movie theaters or film exchanges to help advertise and promote a film. The main purpose of a press kit was to give movie theaters and exhibitors "tools" or "ideas" that could be used for press releases, promotions, contests, advertising suggestions, etc. In other words, a press kit was provided to help the theater or film distributor with ideas on how to create a successful film campaign, i.e., - how to get movie goers into their theaters.
Most press kits will contain a few "staple" items. These may include any combination of the following:
- Production notes
- Cast and credit information
- Biographies on the stars
- 8 x 10 glossy stills
- Color slides
- Screening passes
and sometimes even bumper stickers. Occasionally you will find a sample poster also.
The press kits of today have evolved from the press kits of years gone by. Now major studios release interactive Digital Press kits. These contain basically the same material, such as images, promotions, and a full color press book with backgrounds and sales material. The only difference is that they are on CD instead of paper and obviously designed for use on your personal computer. This gives the studios the ability to present a wider variety of information without the bulky press kits of old, therefore cutting cost.
Interactive press kits let the theater manager have the standard Digital material PLUS automatically link to a specifically prepared website to present special material to them. This gives the studios the freedom to continually update and add to the presentation.
Press kits are very popular collectibles because they give so much information about the movie and its cast. In addition, older press kits sometimes contain stills, slides or other promo items that are not for sale to the public. Press kits are affordable and fairly easy to obtain.
Press kits also give great insight into the history of a film. Since many of the early posters were not dated, press kits can be used to determine the age of certain movie posters, and are therefore an extremely helpful tool for dating movie materials.
Here is a sample of a regular press kit:

Here is a sample of a digital press kit: