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Stranger Among Us - 1992 - Press Kit

Product #: 22710
Year: 1992
Type: Press Kit
Attributes: Original
Size: 9 x 12

"IN A DANGEROUS WORLD OF MYSTERY AND INTRIGUE, SHE'S GOING UNDERCOVER SEARCHING FOR THE TRUTH." This is an original studio issued press kit from 1992. The press kit contains the following: a COVER FOLDER . . . a bound 40 PAGE BOOKLET that contains production notes, biographies on the stars and complete cast and credit information . . . and four 8x10 GLOSSY PHOTOS! Great item for MELANIE GRIFFITH fans and collectors!
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Movie Details

Genre(s): Crime Drama Independent Film Jewish Neo Noir New York City Police Religion Romance Undercover Violence
Actor(s): Melanie Griffith as Emily Eden
Eric Thal as Ariel
John Pankow as Levine
Tracy Pollan as Mara
Mia Sara as Leah
Jamey Sheridan as Nick
Jake Weber as Yaakov
David Margulies as Lt. Oliver
James Gandolfini as Tony Baldessari
Rena Sofer as Shayna
Director(s): Sidney Lumet
Writer(s): Robert J. Avrech (written by)


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