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X-Men 6: Days of Future Past - 2014 - Red Advance

Product #: 37439
Year: 2014
Type: Poster
Attributes: Original
Sides: 2-sided
Size: 1-Sheet (27 x 40)

"THE FUTURE BEGINS." This poster is the US Red Advance Style of Ian McKellen. It is an original 1-Sheet that measures approx. 27 x 40 inches in size. It is rolled and in very good to near mint condition. There is a small border tear that has been repaired on the reverse side with paper tape. There is alsoa a small "dog-ear" at the bottom where the corner got folded over. Still looks great but nevertheless, I have priced this accordingly. It has been stored in a dry, smoke-free home. NOT A CHEAP REPRINT BUT A BEAUTIFUL ORIGINAL THEATRICAL RELEASE POSTER. Great item any "X-MEN" collector should have!
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Movie Details

Genre(s): Action Adventure Based on Comic Blockbuster Cult Film Mad Scientist Marvel Comics Mutant Sci-Fi Science Sequel Super Hero Terrorism
Actor(s): Hugh Jackman as Logan
James McAvoy as Charles Xavier
Michael Fassbender as Erik Lehnsherr
Jennifer Lawrence as Raven
Halle Berry as Storm
Nicholas Hoult as Hank
Anna Paquin as Rogue
Ellen Page as Kitty Pryde
Peter Dinklage as Dr. Bolivar Trask
Shawn Ashmore as Bobby
Omar Sy as Bishop
Evan Peters as Peter
Josh Helman as Maj. Bill Stryker
Daniel Cudmore as Colossus
Bingbing Fan as Blink
Adan Canto as Sunspot
Booboo Stewart as Warpath
Ian McKellen as Magneto
Patrick Stewart as Professor X
Famke Janssen as Jean Grey
James Marsden as Scott Summers
Lucas Till as Havok
Evan Jonigkeit as Toad
Mike Dopud as Pinstripe Mafioso
Michael Lerner as Senator Brickman
Zabryna Guevara as Trask Secretary
Karine Vanasse as French Emergency Nurse
Brian Cox as William Stryker
Kelsey Grammer as Beast
Morgan Lily as Young Raven - 10 yrs
Director(s): Bryan Singer
Writer(s): Simon Kinberg (screenplay by)
Jane Goldman (story by) &
Matthew Vaughn (story by)
Jack Kirby (based on the Marvel comics by) (uncredited)
Stan Lee (based on Marvel's "X-Men" comics by) (uncredited)


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