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Sergeant Rutledge - Lobby Card #4

Product #: 37555
Year: 1960
Type: Lobby Card
Attributes: Original
Size: Lobby Card (11 x 14)

"FORGET ALL THE SUSPENSE YOU HAVE EVER SEEN! FORGET ALL THE EXCITEMENT YOU HAVE EVER KNOWN!" This in an original US Lobby Card and it is Card #4 from a set of 8. This lobby card measures 11 x 14 inches in size and it is in near mint condition. One tiny border nick at bottom center that has been repaired on the reverse side with paper tape. It is an original studio issued lobby card and it has the NSS Number of 60/129 in the lower right hand corner. Stars JEFFREY HUNTER and directed by JOHN FORD.
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Movie Details

Genre(s): 1800's Courtroom Crime Racism Rape Soldier U.S. Army Western
Actor(s): Jeffrey Hunter as Lt. Tom Cantrell
Constance Towers as Mary Beecher
Billie Burke as Mrs. Cordelia Fosgate
Woody Strode as 1st Sgt. Braxton Rutledge
Juano Hernandez as Sgt. Matthew Luke Skidmore
Willis Bouchey as Col. Otis Fosgate
Carleton Young as Capt. Shattuck
Judson Pratt as Lt. Mulqueen
Gertrude Astor as Courtroom Spectator
Shug Fisher as Mr. Owens
Hank Worden as Laredo
Director(s): John Ford
Writer(s): James Warner Bellah (written by) and
Willis Goldbeck (written by)


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